Video contest on the theme «My profession-my future»
April 15, 2021 at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU, the Marketing department held the final stage of the video contest among students on the topic «My profession-my future».
Summing up the results of the competition began with a welcome speech by the director of the Institute, candiadate pedagogical sciemces, associate professor G. A. Abayeva. Nurmakhan Auesbekovich, Director of the center for «Career guidance and reception of students» of Abai KazNPU is also congratulated the participants of the competition.
From April 01 to April 14, 2021, applications with video materials for the competition were accepted by email
The contest «My profession-my pride» received 27 works. Among them, the best were selected, the winners of the competition were the following students and groups:
The 1st place was taken by the 1st year students of the educational program «Primary education with information and communication technologies» Primbetova Patima Uralbaevna and Nursapa Tolkyn Beibitzhanovna.
The 2nd place was taken by 2nd year students of the specialty Psychology «Mediation» Ibragimova Alina, Aitbaki Kundyz, Rayymbek Moldir, Kalifoldanova Aisha, Abdykhalyk Nazerke, Kazhymukhan Aikyn; 1st year foreign students of the educational program «Primary education with information and communication technologies» Alimetov Anar, Atakhonova Shakhriza, Isakulova Zamira, Nurullayeva Feruzabonu and Sharifullayeva Zilola;
The 3rd place was taken by 1st year students of the educational program «Psychology and pedagogy» Kustenova Tamila, Nurgalieva Nursulu and Aralbay Asem; 1st year students of the educational program «Primary education with information and communication technologies» Rysbekkyzy Karlygash and Ruslanova Akzhan; 2nd year students of the specialty «Business Psychology» Sisenbay Indira Zharaskyzy, Kuatbaeva Marzhan, Molochieva Lazina, Meirambay Ayana, Koroglyeva Nazira and Birzhanovna Ayaulym; 2nd year student of the specialty Defectology «Speech Therapy» Sundetova Dina Dzhumabayevna.
During the competition, the following students and groups were nominated by the jury:
Nomination «Best advertising» - awarded to the 1st year student of the educational program «Primary education in English» Tursynbay Dilnaz Zhanbolatkyzy.
Nomination «Best idea» - awarded to students of the 2nd year master`s degree in Psychology Zhaparov Eldar, Grunskaya Anastasia, Toktakulinov Adilzhan, Kapas Aigerim, Serikbay Madina, Kulzhabaeva Simbat, Nurdavletova Zauresh, Rymzhanova Gulzhanna and the head of the group, senior lecturer, PhD Nietbayeva Gulmira Bekenovna.
«Nomination» Creative video clip «- awarded to the 1st year student of the educational program «Practical Psychology» Meirbekova Sharkia.
At the end of the event, the head of the marketing department, B. O. Zhankushkov, awarded the winners and thanked the jury of the competition, Zhamila Rakhmetzhanova - Deputy Director for Educational and production work of the Higher Zharkent humanitarian and technical college, Kali Akylbek Samarkhanuly - Deputy Director for Educational work of Secondary school №. 185 in Almaty, expert teacher, master of pedagogical sciences and Kurmanaliyev Artyk - specialist of the committee for youth affairs of Abai KazNPU .