About us | ![]() Ayapova Tanat Tanirberdikyzy
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Ayapova Tanat Tanirberdyovna - doctor of philological sciences, professor of KazNPU named after Abai, academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education. Honorary Professor of the University of Arizona, USA, Honorary Citizen of Tucson. Ayapova T.T. - the author of 3 monographs, more than 300 scientific and methodological works. She led the work of the author`s collectives on the development and creation of textbooks and teaching-methodical complexes in English for students of the general education schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For 18 years, she was a team leader and co-author of 64 first domestic textbooks in English. The author of state mandatory educational standards and educational programs in English for students of grades 5-9. He is also the author of educational programs "Foreign language: Two foreign languages", 6В01703 - Bachelor, 7М01703 Master, teaching since 2019. In 2018-2020, she headed the scientific project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Modernization of the process of implementation of subject-integrated education and training and retraining of CLIL teachers by creating an innovation center in the multilingual educational system of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan". The president of the public association "Kazakhstani Scientist Women Society" is the head and author of the scientific school "Formation of the first language personality" for foreign specialists of the Kazakh National University named after Abai. In 2019, she became the chief editor of the magazine "Ғалым.Әйел.Қоғам". She was the deputy chairman of the dissertation council for the defense of doctoral dissertations in foreign philology of the Kazakh State University named after Abylai Khan. Deputy chairman of the Dissertation Council in the specialty "Linguistics" at KazNPU named Abai.
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT (according to level of preparation) Bachelor`s degree: History of language (2.3 year) Master`s Degree: Sociolinguistics, Basic theory of speech act Other duties performed during the academic year: 1) Master`s thesis supervision 2) Doctoral thesis supervision 3) Internship supervision
SCIENTIFIC WORK 2. " Монография: «Сөйлеу онтогенезі» (Онтогенез речи) 2007, «Сөйлеу өнтогенезі: бірінші тілдік тұлғаның қалыптасу негіздері, 2021 3. Оқулық: Қазақстан Республикасы мектептеріне арналған ағылшын тілі оқулықтары (5-7, 9 -11 сыныптар) «Мектеп» баспасы 4. «Ағылшын тілі» пәнінің негізгі орта мектепке арналған 5-9 сыныптар оқу бағдарламасы Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы ҰБА ҚР ББМ, Астана 2010 5. «Ағылшын тілі» (гуманитарлық бағыт, жаратылыстану-математикалық бағыт) пәнінің негізгі орта мектепке арналған 10-11 сыныптар оқу бағдарламасы Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы ҰБА ҚР ББМ, Астана 2010 6. «Құзыретті ұлт қалыптастыру (2012)» жоба аясында PhD доктор, магистр, бакалавр дайындауға арналған 6(D)011900, 6(М)011900, 5(В)011900- шетел тілі: екі шет тілі мамандығы бойынша білім беру бағдарламасы 7. 300-ден астам ғылыми-әдістемелік еңбектердің авторы. 8. 2021 жылдың қазанында «Мектеп» баспасынан Республикалық оқу-әдістемелік кеңес ұсынған «Ағылшын тілі тарихы» пәнінің тұңғыш оқулығы - «A History of English Language» басылып шықты. 9. Аяпова Т.Т. жетекшілігімен бакалаврларға «Ағылшын тілінің тарихы», «Сөйлеу әрекетінің теориясы» және «Социолингвистика» курстары ағылшын тілінде 1 курс магистранттары үшін әзірленді. 10. Аяпова Т.Т., Кемелбекова З.А., Букабаева Б.Е., Шаяхметова Д.Б., Сейдалиева Г.О. The model of CLIL teacher training and retraining centre in the content of multilingual education. - Laplage em revista, ISSN 2446-6220, Vol 7 Extra D Jul/Aug 2021. 11. Ayapova.T.T., Shayakhmetova D., Kemelbekova Z., Bukabayeva B., Seidaliyeva G., Modeling of Teaching Content in a Foreign Language at the University Based CLIL Approach, RIGEO (Review of International Geographical Education Online), ISSN:2146-0353, No. 11(5), Spring 2021 12. Cognitive and lingua-cultural aspects of the concept of the numerals in Kazakhstan [Aspectos cognitivos y lingua-culturales del concepto de los numerales en Kazajstán] // (2019) Opcion, 35 (88), pp. 177-192. (Kurmambayeva, Z.B., Baltabayeva, Z.K., Ayapova, T.T., S.Аshirova, B.) 13. Аяпова Т.Т., Герфанова Э., Шаяхметова Д.Б., Investigating the cultural component in EFL textbooks: texts and illustrations, Opcion, 2018, EID: 2-s2.0-85059514338, Part of ISSN: 10121587 14. Ayapova T, Shayakhmetova D, Tautenbayeva A, Karibpayeva G, Azhibekova G Formation of the target professional competencies of CLIL teachers, Opcion, 2019, EID: 2-s2.0-85072152998 15. Герфанова Э, Аяпова Т, Шаяхметова Д - Вестник Педагогика ғылымдар сериясы, №3 (63), 2019 стр 137-142 16. Герфанова Э, Аяпова Т, Шаяхметова Д- Наука и жизнь Казахстана, №4 (79) 2019б стр 154-160 17. Аяпова Т, Дегтярева К, Айдарханова А - Самые современнные технологии в преподавании естеств наук, Вестник Пед Науки, 2018 №3 (59), стр 121-126 18. «Linguacultural Basis of Numerals in the Kazakh Language», Tiltanym. 2023; 89 (1), ISBN:2411-6076, p. 27-33 19. «Cultural values in the concept of number», Tiltanym. 2023; ISBN:2411-6076, 3 (91) 2023, p.72-77 AWARDS 1. "Excellence in education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 09.07.1994, 2. "Excellence in education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 17.10.2020, 3. "For merits to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 10.12.2002, 4. "The best teacher of the University of the Republic of Kazakhstan" 2007, 5. According to the results of the competition "The best teacher of the University of the Republic of Kazakhstan". State grant of the Ministry of Education and Science, 2007, 6. Letter of appreciation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2010, 7. "Kurmet" Order - 5.12.2014, 8. Medal "Veteran of Service" - 20.09.2018, 9. "The best teacher - Abay KazNUPU" 2017, 10. "Parasat" Order-13.12.2021, 11. "Best Scientific Employee"-31.12.2021, 12. "For contribution to the development of the mother tongue" 04/27/2022
SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGICAL WORK 1. Training course "Peer Coaching at the workplace", 72 hours, October-November 2022. 2. Assessment of spoken language in multilingual teaching of English, KazPromEducation, 72 hours, February 07-19, 2022. 6. Preparation for ICT (modules 1,2,3), online training course, Cambridge University Press and Assessment, 2022. 3. Pedagogical education of the 21st century: problems and solutions, Belarusian State Pedagogical University, December 2021. 4. "Effective methods of teaching English and developing students` skills on the exam", Oxford University Press, March 2023. 5. Advanced training program "Using authentic materials in teaching foreign languages, 72 hours, Novosibirsk 2021, OOO TI "Education and Career" 6. A series of 104-hour webinars on spiritual revival training within the framework of the Kemel Bolashak project, 22.09-30.11.2021 Nur-Sultan 7. Certificate of 72 hours under the project "Best Women Scientists" of the Society of Women Scientists of Kazakhstan, 2023
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