12.04.2021 Happy Science Workers` Day in Kazakhstan!
Dear scientists, teachers, doctoral and master`s students! I congratulate you on Kazakhstan Science Workers` Day!
Science is a national resource, an invariable constituent of economic prosperity of a nation and a pledge of the country`s future. With their knowledge, hard work, energy and enthusiasm, our scientists make an invaluable contribution to the development of science. In today`s world, economic and social success is directly dependent on scientific progress and the dynamic implementation of the latest technologies. Our university does its best to develop all spheres of science and support scientists, especially the young ones.
In Abai KazNPU great and effective work has been carried out in the scientific direction. A number of projects have been implemented and new ones are being developed.
- In 2020, the following projects were realized:
Also, teachers of the university were individually executors in 19 projects of the parent organizations of the RK (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, research institutes of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan), in research projects with 14 foreign universities.
In 2021, the following projects are being implemented: - 13 projects of grant financing of the MES RK; from own means of university 8 integration projects together with republican scientific organizations, 7 projects of scientific centres and laboratories of university, 5 joint projects with the Higher school of economy (Moscow), 1 trilateral international project with MPSU and KSPU named after V.Astafyev are financed. It should be noted that the university pays great attention to research by young scientists.
Out of 13 projects of grant funding of MES RK three projects are of young scientists. In addition, projects of young scientists have been identified for funding from the university`s own funds: in 2018 - 25 projects worth 27 million KZT, in 2019. - 24 projects worth 26.7 million KZT, in 2021 - 12 projects worth 28.5 million KZT. It should be noted that in 2020 in general 2 students, 6 graduate students and 41 doctoral candidates participated in all grant projects of the MES RK, integration projects with republican research institutes and projects of scientific centres and laboratories of the University.
I want to recognize our best specialists-winners of different scientific competitions. For example, winner of state scientific scholarship for talented young scientists post doctoral student D.Dautbek (2020); winner of title «Best lecturer of the university» PhD PhD J.Baishemirov (2019); the absolute winner of the international competition «Pedagogical Initiative-2020» organised by the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities (EAPU), PhD S.Belous. The Council of Young Scientists under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan includes three specialists from our university (Sh. Laiskhanov, E. Wydulla, J. Baishemirov), two young researchers (S. Belous and A. Ibragimov) are members of the Young Scientists Council of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities. We are proud of our young teachers and scientists.
Sincerely, Rector Takir Balykbayev