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Republican ecological teleconference «Man and Ecology»


On March 12, 2021, the Institute of Natural History and Geography of Abai KazNPU together with the Republican educational and recreational centre «Baldauren» in Kapchagay town organized national environmental teleconference «Man and Ecology». The teleconference was attended by professors and teachers of the Institute, teachers and students of Baldauren centres from the cities of Borovoe, Shymkent, Balkhash and Kapchagai.


The main purpose of the event was to protect the environment and natural resources, and to form the basis of environmental education and ecological culture among young people.


The Director of the Institute Kaimuldinova Kulyash made a welcoming speech and highlighted the importance of the event. Presentations were made by associate professor Gulnarai Sabdenalieva with the topic «Influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health», professor Kulzhahan Bakirova with «Formation of personal ecological culture», senior lecturers Duman Alaskarov with «Environmental situation: comparative analysis of countries around the world» and Ainur Seylhan with «Green Kazakhstan programme - the pledge of environmental culture».


Also during the teleconference the pupils defended their projects on the themes «Ecological problems of water», «Ecological problems of soil», «Ecology of atmosphere», «Green country: in development of ecological culture». The students were asked questions about the project, the teachers gave advice, directions and feedback.