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Results of the Winter Spartakiada «Densaulyk-2021»


January 15, 2021 held an awarding ceremony for the winners of the traditional winter Spartakiada «Densaulyk-2021». Rector Takir Balykbayev opened the ceremony and awarded the winners.


Sports competitions were held in five sports. More than 100 members of the faculty and staff participated, nine teams in total.


In the team competition the rector`s team took the second place, which was awarded with a diploma and a prize in the amount of 100 000 tenge. Second place went to the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, its representatives were awarded with a certificate in the amount of 120,000 tenge. The Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports took first place and became the winner of the Spartakiade. The team was awarded with diplomas, certificate in the amount of 150,000 tenge and rolling Cup.


The most active participants in each sport received cash prizes in the amount of 10 000 tenge in the «Best Player» category. The judges were awarded with a letter of thanks from the rector of the university and a cash prize of 50,000 tenge.

Many thanks to all the teams who took part in the traditional Winter Spartakiada!