02.04.2018 Republican scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of the development of methods of teaching history and humanitarian disciplines at the present stage of the development of Kazakhstani education"
On 10 April 2018, within the framework of the Decade of Science at Abai KazNPU, a republican scientific and practical conference "Actual issues of the development of methods of teaching history and humanitarian disciplines at the present stage of the development of Kazakhstani education" will be held.
Organizers of the conference: the Chair of Methods of Teaching History and Social Disciplines of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU
Directions of the conference: 1. Teaching the history of Kazakhstan and the program of modernization of public consciousness "Bolashakka bagdar: Rukhani zhanguyru". 2. Theory and methods of teaching history and social disciplines at the modern stage of modernization of Kazakhstani education. 3. Updated program of teaching in teaching history of Kazakhstan and public disciplines. 4. The place and role of historical science in the implementation of the state program "Digital Kazakhstan". 5. Innovative and informational pedagogical technologies in the teaching of history and social disciplines. 6. Modern educational and methodological support of the activity of teachers of history and social disciplines. 7. Modern methods of teaching history and social disciplines. 8. Distance learning technologies: the experience of their application in the teaching of history and social disciplines. 9. Value-oriented approach in the teaching of history and social disciplines. 10. Methodology of the formation of a history textbook.
Forms of work of the conference participants: plenary reports, sectional discussions, full-time and correspondence participation.
Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian.
Time: April 10, 2018, beginning - at 10-00.
Location: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Zhambyl st. 25, 2 floor, conference hall.
Based on the results of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Issues of the Development of Methods of Teaching History and Humanitarian Disciplines at the Present Stage of the Development of Kazakhstan Education," a collection of materials will be published.