From 14 to 28 April, 2016 on the basis of the Resource Advisory Centre on Inclusive Education for the Republic of Kazakhstan universities and preventive suicidology with the assistance of the City methodical cabinet and Department of Education Almaty held month " Psychological preparation for UNT - the key to emotional stability of school graduates ".
In the framework of the Month on 14-15 April, held a large round table "Ways and perspectives of preventive correction in the period of preparation for UNT"
for school and clinical psychologists, university teachers and psychologists of departmental organizations.
April 21-22, for the deputy directors of educational institutions for education and head teachers, college deputy directors, curators and mentors training seminar "Formation of stress among secondary school graduates and college students."
At the final stage of the Month - April 28 for social workers, clinical psychologists, university teachers held a master class "The main directions of practical psycho-self-destructive behavior among pupils and students."
In the event was attended by representatives of the Prosecutor`s Office in Almaty, Almaty Department of Internal Affairs, the city of student health centers, the JSC "KazGUU", the Association of Psychologists of Kazakhstan, the Center for psychological problems "Luch", Women`s Leadership Fund, Training Centre LLP «Medical company Sunkar», and etc.
Work Month opened by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Abai KazNPU, Corresponding Member of NAS RK, Doctor of Philosophical sciences, Professor A.T.Kulsariyeva, who noted in his welcoming speech the relevance of this event on the eve of the Unified National Test (UNT) and wished all the participants fruitful discussion of new ideas and useful exchange of experience and best practices in the field of preventive suicidology.
In the process of work, participants actively participated in the debates, openly discussed the causes and possible ways of preventing suicide attempts among adolescents and youth.
So, at the round table addressed the key
issues of preventive correction in preparation for UNT, raised topical issues such as the prevention of suicide among adolescents and young people, parental responsibility for the emotional state of the graduates, psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process. Participants met with a positive experience of preventive work, we have developed proposals for improving the efficiency and the search for new forms of this work.
At a training seminar director of the Resource Center doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Z.A. Movkebayeva and Methodists; candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Zh.A. Abisheva, S.T. Isaliyeva conducted various trainings to enhance the stress that had the practical orientation of the participants were
shown the psychological exercises, techniques and technology. In addition, they were introduced to the basic elements of psychological relaxation, body-oriented psychotherapy, psycho-diagnostics computer, technology gaining a sense of confidence, phototherapy. The presentation format was shown selection of sites and online computer games on various methods of self-harm and suicide.
As the invited participants were representatives of LLP «Medical company Sunkar» (Almaty, Kazakhstan) and Information and Consultation Center "Psychometrics" (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), which showed computer psycho-diagnostics program and the main features of photography in contemporary psychology.
The master class was held in the format of trainings, presentations and practical exercises. Participants took an active part in the debates, the exercises and are familiar with the provided information, which aroused great interest.
Month Work was widely covered in the media. This month was very eventful and action-oriented and received positive feedback from the participants.