30.10.2020 Vice-Rector A. Kulsarieva held a meeting with foreign students
The Department of international cooperation organized an online meeting on the ZOOM platform of the Vice-Rector for strategic development and international cooperation A. T. Kulsarieva with foreign students. To date, 333 foreign citizens from 17 countries of the world study at Abai KazNPU. Foreign students who were unable to come to Kazakhstan due to the epidemiological situation in the world related to COVID-19 showed particular interest in the format of the online meeting. During the meeting, questions were asked and answers were given on the problems of distance learning in the educational process, the terms and conditions of exams, tuition discounts, and dissertations. An active discussion showed that the main issues of interest to foreign applicants are related to entry to the Republic of Kazakhstan, the deadline for opening borders. In addition to issues directly related to the educational process, newly admitted foreign citizens received comprehensive information on the rules of migration registration and registration at the place of residence, as well as behavior and stay not only in Abai KazNPU, but also in the Republic of Kazakhstan.