Departement of Arts Education | Main / Faculties / Faculty of Arts / Departments / Departement of Arts Education / International Cooperation Contacts with foreign universities
Establishing international cooperation with foreign universities
Double-degree education has been carried out since the 2021 academic year. An agreement was signed with the Altai State University (License for educational Activities, registration No. 2296 dated July 29, 2016, validity period - the certificate of state accreditation series 90A01 No. 0003238 registration No. 3079, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science for a period up to April 30, 2025, in the person of Rector Bocharov Sergey Nikolaevich, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the NJSC «Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai», represented by Rector Bilyalov Darkhan Nurlanovich on the development and implementation of a joint educational program in the field of training: 04/41.01 Foreign Regional Studies Profile: «Ethnics of the Turkic-Mongolian world in modern art practices».
In addition, an agreement was signed, the purpose of which is to create and implement a joint master`s degree program in the field of Art History on 30.04.03, the profile «Ethnoculturology of the Turkic world: art practices and creative industries» according to the results of which graduates are awarded a diploma of education and (or) qualifications of the Russian Federation and a diploma of higher education of the state sample of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The following programs are basic for the implementation of SOP: - at AltSU-profile «Ethnoculturology of the Turkic world: art practices and creative industries», field of study: 30.04.03 Art History;