Poetry evening dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Sergey Esenin
On the 9th October of 2020 year the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of Abai KazNPU, Publishing House «Almatykitap baspasy», specialized Lyceum №165 in Almaty held a poetry evening "I am happy to live..." dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the poet Sergey Esenin. The event was moderated by Marina Asylbekova, editor-in-chief of the «Almatykitap baspasy» Publishing house.
The audience was greeted by Olga Vyacheslavovna Moscheeva, chief specialist-expert of the Russian Consulate General in Almaty.
With great attention the participants of the evening listened to the story of the methodologist of the scientific and educational department of the Moscow State Museum S.A. Esenin Leila Makitova. The pictorial series of her story seemed to have transported the audience to the halls of the museum and helped to imagine the difficult path of the poet - along biographical and creative milestones.
The head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Saule Abisheva spoke about the approach to studying the work of S. Esenin in a new textbook of Russian literature for the 11th grade of Kazakhstan schools. The pages of the electronic version of the textbook dedicated to a famous poet were demonstrated.
The meeting was decorated with its young participants - schoolchildren and students who read their favorite poems of the poet. Alla Sergeeva, head of the scientific and educational department of the Moscow Museum of S. Esenin, addressed the young participants of the evening with warm gratitude, who impressed her with their deep understanding of Esenin`s lyrics and the ability to convey to the audience the beauty of his poetic word.
The participants in the evening agreed to continue online meetings in the literary parlor.

Department of Russian Language and Literature