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On 8 April, 2016 at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai took place VIII International scientific conference of young scientists "Kazakhstan in the world educational space", which organized by the Chair of philological specialties for foreigners of the Philology Institute.
The conference received 104 reports from students, undergraduates and doctoral candidates from different regions of the Republic, as well as China, South Korea, Vietnam. At the plenary session the participants of the conference with a welcoming speech: Vice-Rector for Strategic Affairs and International Relations - B.A. Kozhamkulov, Consul of the General Consulate of the Russian Federation in Almaty City - Pereverzeva I.V., Consul of the Consulate-General of the People`s in China - Gao Cheng, head of the Chair of philological specialties for foreigners doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor S.B. Begaliyeva. At the plenary session were made reports doctoral students: G. Isabekova, A. Ussenova, Zh. Bakythankyzy, 2nd year course student of the Chair of philological specialties for foreigners -Yoon Hyeson. Also at the conference was attended by prominent scientists and methodologists Khan N.N., Kaidarova A.D., Abssatova M.A., Bruleva F.G.
After the plenary session the conference work was continued in sections. Reports were heard from the students of the University "Miras", South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute (Shymkent),Kazakh-Russian Medical University, Korkyt-ata Kyzyl-Orda State University , Kazakhstan-German University, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty), International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A.Yassaui. Students, who have made the best reports were awarded by diplomas of I, II and III degree.