Department of Informatics and Informatization of education | Main / Faculties / Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics / Departments / Department of Informatics and Informatization of education
The current Department of Computer Science and Informatization of Education was established in 1984 and was called the Department of Computational Mathematics and Differential Equations. The department was headed by the former rector of KazPI named after Abai, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of KazSSR, Professor K.A. Kasymov. Under his leadership, a team emerged, which included such outstanding scientists as Irkegulov Sh.T. (1915-1991), Zhanbyrbayev B.S. (1928-2007), Akhmetov M.Zh., Nakesbekov B.K., Goltser Ya.A., Medeuov E.U., etc. In 1987, the department was renamed the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, and since 1993 it was renamed the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, and then the Department of Computer Science and Informatization of Education.
Bachelor`s degree:
Master`s degree:
Doctor`s degree:
Leader in the development of educational programs within the framework of the project "Strengthening the potential of teacher education" (planned to be implemented from 2023):
The main research directions of the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education: