Department of Pedagogy and Psychology | ![]()
In the Educational program "Pedagogy and Psychology" there are such levels:
- Bachelor`s degree: 6В01101 - "Pedagogy and psychology" - Master`s degree: 7M01101 - "Pedagogy and psychology", 7M01103 - "Pedagogy and psychology. Management in education”, 7M01102 - “Pedagogy and psychology. Pedagogical measurements", 7M01105 - "Pedagogy and psychology" (1.5 years of profile) - PhD doctoral studies: 8D01101 - "Pedagogy and psychology", 8D01103 - "Pedagogy and psychology. Management in education” (in English).
The teaching staff of the department is currently represented by: 10 doctors of pedagogical sciences, 8 candidates of pedagogical and psychological sciences, 6 masters of pedagogical sciences.
The percentage of the degree of the department is 71.5%. The teaching staff has a high level of knowledge: on the specifics of the taught subject, innovative technologies and teaching methods; professional skills to form a sufficient amount of knowledge for students within the framework of the program.
The educational program of pedagogy and psychology cooperates with many leading universities in near and far abroad - South Korea, Lithuania, Germany, Indonesia, Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Turkey, etc.
The material and technical base of this program is provided with modern information tools, computers, interactive whiteboards, which allow future specialists to develop creatively in the educational process and research activities.
Graduates of our educational program can work as teachers, psychologists and administrators in all educational institutions, including preschools, comprehensive schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges.