International Online Symposium
On May 15, 2020, at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, the Department of Chemistry of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography held the international online symposium «The Current Radioecological State of the Aral-Syrdarya Basin: transboundary problems and promising areas of research» , dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Professor Zhanbekov Khayrulla.
The teaching staff and scientists of universities in Japan, Russia, Belarus and Tajikistan attended the event.
Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of Abai KazNPU Satmurzaev Asan delivered an opening speech and congratulated the hero of the day, noting his great contribution to the development of Russian science.
List of speakers at the symposium:
1. «Scientific and labor activity of a candidate of chemical sciences, a doctor of earth sciences, Professor Zhanbekov Kh.N.». Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography Kaimuldinova Kulash (Kazakhstan);
2. «Questions raised in schools and pedagogical centers of Japan on the state of the Aral Sea». Dean of the Institute of Education, Tsukuba University, Professor Yoshiyasu Ida (Japan);
3. «Features of the content of teacher training in the field of additional environmental education»."Professor, Department of Biology and Methods of Teaching Ecology, Russian State Pedagogical University A.I. Hertsina Andreeva Natalya (Russia);
4. «The role of environmental education in maintaining the biological diversity of mountain regions». Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Khorog State University M. Nazarshoeva Mamadrizokhonov Akbar (Tajikistan);
5. «The use of environmental materials in chemistry lessons as a way to increase students` interest in the subject». Head of the Department of Chemistry of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank Kozlov-Kozyrevskaya Alla (Belarus);
6. «Research in the field of environmental problems: a review of key results (for example, the Aral-Syrdarya basin)». Head of the Department of Chemistry, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography Mukataev Zhazira (Kazakhstan);
7. «The results of a joint expeditionary study of scientists from Japan and Kazakhstan». Professor of Abai KazNPU Zhanbekov Khayrull (Kazakhstan).
The hero of the day was also congratulated by:
1. Baeshov Abduali - academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, honored inventor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, head of the laboratory of electrochemical technologies of the Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and electrochemistry named after D.V. Sokolsky.
2. Sumatokhin Sergey - Professor, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Russia.
3. Konuspaev Sapargali - Professor of Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi;
4. Ketegenov Tilek - General Director of the Institute of Combustion Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
5. Kadirbekov Kairat - Deputy General Director of «Sorbent» LLP, NAC «Kazatomprom»;
6. Meirova Gulzhamila - professor of Abai KazNPU.

Chair of «Chemistry»