Moscow City University (Moscow, Russia) announces an open call for proposals to take part in the competition of concepts for an Institute of Digital Education Moscow City University (MCU), leading pedagogical university in Russia, announces an open call for proposals to take part in the competition of concepts for establishing an Institute of Digital Education (IDE) at MCU. The key goal of the competition is to analyse all concepts proposed by the participants and outline key directions for further enhancement of the University structure in view of the current trends with respect to the use of digital technologies in education.The Competition dates are from December 18, 2017 to February 15, 2018.
University staff, faculty members and researchers, as well as representatives of various organizations who share our interest in further development of digital education, are welcome to take part in the Competition. Both individual and collective proposals may be submitted.
The competition includes two stages: expert review of proposals and oral defence.
At the first stage, proposals shall be accepted between December 18, 2017 and January 19, 2018. The proposals and draft concepts on the establishment of IDE at MCU should be prepared and formatted in line with the requirements set forth in the Competition Regulations. You can send your proposal by email to komarovrv@mgpu.ru (please include "Regulations on the Competition of Concept Proposals for Establishing an Institute of Digital Education at the Moscow City University" in the subject line). Make sure to confirm your consent for the subsequent processing of your personal data in the email.
The second stage, which includes public presentation and defence of IDE proposals in front of a review panel, shall take place between February 1 and February 15, 2018. For more information on the Competition, guidelines for preparing and formatting proposals and their evaluation criteria please refer to the Regulations on the Competition of Concept Proposals for Establishing an Institute of Digital Education at the Moscow City University. If you have any questions, please contact us at komarovrv@mgpu.ru.