03.04.2020 The Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics was the first to switch to distance learning
In connection with the introduction of a state of emergency by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 03.16.2020 through the territory of the city of Almaty from 03.22.2020 by decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the limited entry / exit of people in the cities of Nur-Sultan and Almaty» (https://primeminister.kz/kz/news/ob-ogranicheniyah-na-vezd-vyezd-v-iz-gorodov-nur-sultan-i-almaty-172613), according to the order of the rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Balykbaev T.O. (http://www.kaznpu.kz/kz/2458/notice/) the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics (IMFI) as later other departments, switched to a distance learning system. Associate professor Tuyakov E.A., РhD doctors Nurmukhamedova Zh.M., Ospanbekov EA, Nurbaeva D.M., since March 17,2020, completely switched to the ZOOM-training system. Senior teachers R. Kaparova, B. Yerzhenbek, teacher Zhanseitova L.Zh, continued their initiative. Other teachers of the department will switch to this type of training in the shortest possible time. So, the teaching staff of this department was one of the first to introduce this system at our university. Students and undergraduates undergo distance learning according to the previously approved curriculum, thereby, without interrupting preparation for the current midterm control and examination periods, actively and with pleasure mastering the latest technologies in domestic education.
Chair of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Teaching Methods |