An exhibition of friendship «Bilgenge marzhan ...»
On February 24, 2020, at the «Zhasampaz» Exhibition Hall of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports, a creative exhibition called «Bilgenge marzhan ...» was presented dedicated to Abai, in celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbaevich, organized with the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.Zhurgenov.
The exhibition held in honor of Abai on the basis of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University that symbolizes the friendship between the two higher educational institutions.
Representatives of KazNAA named after T.Zhurgenov laid flowers at the monument to Abay in front of the main building of our university.
Vice-rector for creative work and international relations of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.Zhurgenov Saken Maygaziev, Dean of the faculty of painting, sculpture and design Bauyrzhan Baidilda and other employees laid a wreath at the monument to Abay in front of the university.
At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the first vice-rector of the University Maktagali Bektemesov, vice-rector for creative work and international relations of the T.Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts Saken Maygaziev, Dean of the faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Design Baidilda, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Baitursyn Yeszhanuly and Professor Baimurat Ospanov held a solemn speech.
At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the first vice-rector of the University of Maktagali Bektemesov, Vice-rector for creative work and international relations of Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov Saken Maygaziev, Dean of the faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Design Bauyrzhan Baidilda, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Baitursyn Yeszhanuly and Professor Baimurat Ospanov delivered welcoming address. Saken Maygaziaev on behalf of his university handed the statue of Abai to our university.
The paintings and works of Abay, as well as his sculptures reflecting his personality aroused admiration and interest of the exhibitors. During the event, excerpts from the songs of Abai were also performed at the highest level.

Chair of Arts Education