The end of the decade «Self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity»
On February 12, 2020, as part of the Year of Volunteers in Kazakhstan, the University and in the orphanage No. 1 of the Almaty region hosted the closing ceremony of the decade «Self-knowledge: pedagogy of love and creativity», dedicated to the birthday of the founder and president of the «Bоbek» Children`s Fund, the author of the spiritual moral education «Self-knowledge» of the First Lady of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sara Nazarbayeva.
The director of the orphanage GulmiraKonysbaeva and the head of the Meyіrіm club Gulbakhira Shirinbaeva welcomed all participants and thanked the organizers of the event. They emphasized the spiritual, moral and social significance of the decade, which gave young people a great opportunity to gain experience in volunteer work in cooperation with the «orphanage-university» system.
Over the course of a decade, students-practitioners, together with volunteers of the Mеyirim Club, held open lessons and class hours devoted to the activities of S. A. Nazarbayeva, through improving social and educational activities by integrating the entire diversity of aspects of the Self-Knowledge program into the content of all activities of the regional children`s house number 1.
Based on the results of the events, the best teams were identified among groups of children from the orphanage. They symbolized universal spiritual values: «Truth», «Inner peace», «Righteous behavior», «Love», «Non-violence».
In conversation lessons, «Let there always be sunshine in the soul!» using various forms of positive thinking, team members did a lot. Of particular note is the creative expression of such an idea as the integrity of the «Planet, nature, society».
Students and pupils of the orphanage addressed Sara Alpysovna with magnificent musical and flashmob-dance numbers, sang songs, showed dramatizations, which differed in spiritually-meaningful depth. On this bright day, we were united by love for the world in which we live, the desire to become better, smarter, more noble. And this was the result of the spread of the ideas of humanism and familiarization with the eternal universal values that are so clearly described in the program «Self-knowledge: moral and spiritual education». And therefore, referring to the author of this program, we say: «Thank you, dear Sara Alpysovna!».

Volunteer club «Meyіrіm»