Visit of a Turkish professor to our university
On 7 February, 2020, at the invitation of the head of the Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, Ergali Yesbosynov, our university was visited by the editor-in-chief of the international journal Karadeniz, Turkish professor Erdogan Altynkaynak. Due to the fact that one of the issues of this journal will be dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai, he held talks with the director of the institute, Baltabay Abdigaziev, and the vice-rector for scientific work and international cooperation, Aktolkyn Kulsariyeva.
In order to get acquainted with the results of this visit, the director of the institute met with the rector Takir Balykbaуev and announced that the 46th issue of the international magazine with impact factor Karadeniz, which will be released in June of this year, has been announced as a special issue and will be completely dedicated to the anniversary of Abai.
Professor Erdogan Altynkaynak also met with students studying the Turkish language, answered their questions, expressed his opinion on the current state of the Turkish language and literature.

Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation