Problems of the quality of education and training of student youth were discussed
On January 10, 2020, two sessions were held at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in the framework of the Winter School «Teacher Education in a Changing World: New Priorities».
The work of the first session was opened by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Assan Satmyrzaev, who presented the concept documents of Abai KazNPU on the strategic development of the university, internal audit and development of the internal quality system based on international standards.
At the session, the head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Aigerim Kosherbayeva held a seminar «Management of the quality of education: the search for a new philosophy. Quality management models in the structure of the «university-school» (for example, Abai University - the strategy of the university, the functions of structural units, their relationship)».
Teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates of Abai KazNPU, attended the seminar. The students got acquainted with the philosophy of managing the quality of education, the strategy of the university, the functions of structural units, their relationship. Graduates of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology conducted an interactive session for participants, students noted the relevance of the materials presented.
The second session was devoted to the topic «Actual problems of improving the education of student youth». The vice-rector for educational work and social development Zhanatbek Ishpekbaev introduced the session. Aiman Berikkhanova, professor of the department of pedagogy, presented an analysis of problems in educational work. Deputy directors of educational institutions, teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates, employees of the Department of educational work and youth policy had the opportunity to discuss their vision of problems, suggest ways to solve them.